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100 miles
Step-by-step explanation:
Relative Speed: 60+40=100 mph
you can think that one train is stationary,another one is 100 mph
so one hour before the train pass each other,the distance is 100 miles
part A)
we know that for every 1000 ft the temperature drops by 1.3.
so after 1000ft up it went down by 1.3(1)
2000ft up it went down by 1.3(2) or 2.6
3000ft up it went down by 1.3(3) or 3.9
after 10000 up it went down by 1.3(10) or 13.
part B)
well, the current temperature on the ground where the plane is sitting is -2.8°F, after 10000ft it dropped by 13°, so the temperature will just be -2.8 - 13 = -15.8°F.