Kinematics : Study of motion
Fluid kinematics : study of how fluid flows and how to describe its motion.
There are two ways to describe fluid motion
one is Eulerian, where the variations are described at all fixed stations as a function of time.
the other is Lagrangian, in which one follows all fluid particles and describes the variations around each fluid particle along its trajectory.
1.Both Lagrangian and Eulerian describes time variation.
2. Eulerian describes the rate of change in one point of space
Lagrangian descries rate of change of a property of material system.
To know more about the Lagrangian and Eulerian :\
Your answer is C) The year the element was discovered :)
solid molecules are packed closely and liquid molecules are losely packed
deposited, sedimentation
Rivers pick up pieces of sediments then deposit them elsewhere.
Hope I helped. :)
Power = (voltage) x (current)
Power = (120) x (8) = 960 watts = <em>0.960 kilowatt</em>