Oo Oo I do
The skeleton
Spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and tailbone (coccyx) Chest – ribs and breastbone (sternum) Arms – shoulder blade (scapula), collar bone (clavicle), humerus, radius and ulna. Hands – wrist bones (carpals), metacarpals and phalanges.
Yes I think I am wired for happiness. To rewire my brain I would practice gratitude, write in a journal or repeat out loud things I am grateful for. Also, I would practice saying positive affirmations.
Talking about dying or wanting to die
Talking about feeling empty, hopeless, or having no way out of problems
Mentioning strong feelings of guilt and shame
Talking about not having a reason to live or that others would be better off without them
Social withdrawal and isolation
Giving away personal items and wrapping up loose ends
Saying goodbye to friends and family