Converting decimals into fractions is simple, all you have to do is think about the number, for example .25, if you look at it you realize it's 1/4 of 1, so it's naturally 1/4, you do this with all of them
The number of cards Paul had at the beginning was 64 cards
Step-by-step explanation:
Here we have a word problem as follows
Paul traded 13 baseball card to Dan for 4 new packs of 6 card each
Number of cards received from Dan = 6 × 4 = 24
Number of cards traded to Dan = 13
Net number of cards traded = 24 - 13 = 11
Total number of cards Paul now has = 75 cards
Therefore since Paul gained 11 cards to make his total number of cards = 75, then;
The initial amount of cards Paul had = 75 - 11 = 64 cards.
Erik's average speed exceeds the speed limit by 6.91 miles per hour.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let suppose that Erik travels at constant speed. Hence, the speed (
), measured in miles per hour, is determined by following equation of motion:
- Distance, measured in miles.
- Time, measured in hours.
Please notice that a hour equals 60 minutes. If we know that
, then the speed of Erik is:

Which is 6.91 miles per hour above the speed limit.
Perform the operation given that a = {−3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3}, b = {−4, −2, 0, 2, 4}, and c = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. (enter your answe
Ludmilka [50]
A ∩ c={0,1,2,3}
b ∪ (a ∩ c)={-4,-2,0,1,2,3,4}
two the right then below
Step-by-step explanation: