Answer: Before the jump, the snowboarder would carry potential energy.
During the jump he will carry kinetic energy.
And after the jump, assuming hes at a full stop, he will carry potential energy once again.
Energy is directly proportional to frequency. and when you calculate energy, you multiply frequency with a constant number called "Planck's Constant"
E = hf
Hope this helps!
The answers to the questions have been solved in the attachment.
The answers to part a to e are all contained in the attachment. For answer part b, temperature and frequency were assumed to be fixed or constant. V² is directly proportional to T telling us that variation in T gives us a square in the frequency variation. This tells us why it is difficult when both frequencies are on this side of the black body.
The electric field is always perpendicular to the surface outside of a conductor. TRUE
<span> If an electron were placed on an electric field line, it would move in a direction perpendicular to the field. FALSE, it would move in an anti-parallel direction because its charge is negative </span>
<span>Electric field lines originate on positive charge and terminate on negative charge. TRUE ; but they can also go to infinity </span>
It is possible for two electric field lines to cross each other.
<span> Usually FALSE; though technically possible at special points where field is zero. </span>
If an electron and a positron were in the presence of a very strong electric field, they would move away from each other.
<span> TRUE; one is positive, and one is negative. If the field is strong enough, the action of the field will overcome the mutual attraction between them </span>
It is not possible for the electric field to ever be zero. FALSE: it IS possible, inside a conductor for instance
If a proton were placed on an electric field line, it would move in a direction anti-parallel to the field.
<span> FALSE: being positive, it would move in the SAME direction as the field</span>ic