The probability is always expressed as a part of the whole. So, it can be in terms of fraction or percentage. The numerator is the number of possible events while the denominator is the number of total events. Let x be the number of times you roll an odd number. So, the number of times you roll an even number would be 2x. The total rolls would then be x + 2x. Thus, the probability of rolling an odd number is
Probability = x/(2x + x) = x/3x = 1/3
c o s t = x \displaystyle P: \text{cos}t=x P:cost=x.
Step-by-step explanation:
The cosine of t is equal to the x-coordinate of point P
Answer: -1/21
A fraction means that you divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). So, if you divide 4 by 16, then the answer is 0.25
Another way to get this answer is if you know your basic fraction-decimal conversions. If you reduce the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number (in this case, 4 works), then you get the fraction 1/4, which is also equal to 0.25
Good luck with your math, and I hope this helps :)
A person will run 6.2137 miles since you can convert 10 km or kilo to miles
I hope this helped