(A)An adaptation is a characteristic that helps an animal survive in its habitat. All animals must be able to obtain food and water, protect themselves from harm, withstand the climate, and reproduce young so the species doesn't become extinct. ... Without their adaptations, the species could not thrive in that environment.
GIRAFFE-That ability – coupled with the tongue's impressive reach and its tough skin – allows giraffes to selectively browse, plucking leaves from among the nasty thorns brandished by many of its preferred food trees, such as acacias.
Molds and fungi are found everywhere inside and outside, and can grow on almost any substance when moisture is present. Molds when they reproduce make spores, which can be carried by air currents. When these spores land on a moist surface that is suitable for life, they begin to grow. Molds are essential to the natural breakdown of organic materials in the environment. Mold is normally found indoors at levels that do not affect most healthy individuals. When these levels become abnormally high as determined by indoor air quality testing or a mold inspection, remediation is recommended to be carried out by a professional remediation company.
Carbondioxide gas.
Carbondioxide gas is actually cycled in a web of organisms, The plants takes carbondioxide gas for the process of photosynthesis, this plant is eaten by herbivores for energy and carbondioxide is released in the process of respiration. After that, carnivores feed on these herbivores and oxygen is used in the breakdown of food for releasing energy and carbondioxide gas is also released from the body through breathing so the cycle of carbondioxide gas is continue.
Gregor Mendel planted garden peas and used them as the basis of his study of inherited traits. They do not mature slowly.
Which of the following genetic techniques does NOT use labelled DNA probes?