Los conservadores señalan una “cultura de pobreza” y sugieren que muchas de las privaciones son el resultado de elecciones y comportamientos erróneos de los mismos pobres. Señalan una fuerte correlación entre la pobreza y la falta de seguimiento de la llamada “secuencia del éxito”: terminar la escuela, conseguir un trabajo, casarse y solo entonces tener hijos. Relativamente pocas personas que hacen esas cosas terminan en la pobreza.
The criminal justice system is designed to deliver “justice for all.” This also means serving and protecting convicted criminals, the innocent and overall providing a fair justice system.
To summarize this, they were afraid. During that time, we had just managed to successfully leave the British government, and the whole reason we declared independence was because of an all-powerful king who controlled our lives through massive taxation, without listening to anything we said. We had developed a fear of a strong, central government like the British, so we did as much as we could to weaken our new government, even abolishing federal taxes, which meant no federal military or funding for anything like education, health, or safety at the federal level.<span />