1-pentanol > 1-butanol > 1-chlorobutane > pentane
You my find in the attached picture the structures of the compounds, names and also the variation of their boiling points.
Alcohols have higher boiling points because they form hydrogen bonds between the molecules.
Learn more about:
boiling points in organic compounds
Data obtained can't be accurate.
A beaker can't be used for measuring the volume of a liquid because they did not calculate volume of a liquid accurately and precisely. The marks present on the beaker are not accurate, it is just an estimate so by measuring the volume of any liquid using beaker give us a false data so that's why beaker are not used for the measurement of a volume.
I believe it means that it takes a lot of heat in joules to make silicon vaporize so it stays solid until a great deal of heat has been added. By comparison, water has a latent heat of about 2260 joules per gram so vaporizes much more readily than silicon.