Reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the body's tissues. Increases risk for blood clots. Damages blood vessels. Doubles the risk of stroke (reduced blood flow to the brain)
Get to bed earlier.Try to find out if there's a guy who likes her and have them get together. Theat'll really make her happy. Listen to quiet music when trying to sleep. It should most definitely help.
Eating a high-fat diet would most likely influence the risk of getting
pancreatic cancer. The pancreas is in the abdomen. It converts the food
we eat into energy for the body's cells. People who ate high amounts of
saturated fats had higher rates of pancreatic cancer than did those who
ate low amounts because the pancreas have to release more hormone to
digest it
CANCER, DIABETES, AND IMMUNE SYSTEM diseases are diseases that are considered non-infectious. Non-infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by surrounded factors, lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and etc.
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