Answer: Belongs to the group 2A
As you can see, the first two ionization energies are close and low, meaning that this element ionizates easily.
Not only loses easily the first electron, but the second too
To remove the third electron you requiered a huge amount of energy
Now, elements easily ionizable are the ones from group IA, group 2A and transition metals.
The last ones have mixed characteristics in matter of how many electrons you can remove from them, so they are not a family.
Now the question: group I or group II ?
The elements of group I have low ionization energies for the first electron but high energies for the second ones.
Being all that said, the unknown element belongs to the Group 2A
Phosphorus atoms can bond with oxygen atoms to form ester groups. These can bond with carbon atoms, yielding a large number of organic phosphorus chemicals. These are found in many important biological processes
probably because most of our food comes from animals-