My dad is like the village blacksmith.
The first and second verse of the poem, the writer describes the physical attributes of the blacksmith.
Then in verse 3, the blacksmith's innate qualities of consistency, and hard work are unravelled.
This is very typical of my dad who though is a farmer never slips up on his work and always keeps his promise.
Another quality of the blacksmith that I see in my dad is found in verse 5. It reads that the blacksmith sits amongst the boys on Sunday, connoting that he is a Christian.
My dad, same as the blacksmith not only goes to church on Sunday. He prays and teaches us to do the same.
He is quite inclined towards God. I guess it's because much like the blacksmith who from steel forges various kinds of tools and shapes objects, He recognises that many of the things around us too were "forged" by a Superior Blacksmith.
The author uses the literary device personification in “Ah Loneliness”. Personification is giving a humanlike quality to something that is not human. In the poem the speaker talks to Loneliness as if it is a person that can talk back to him. He even capitalizes the L at the beginning of loneliness like you would the name of a person.
Which words best signal that "muchachitos mal educados" has a negative connotation?
The answer is raised their voices because 'to raise one's voice' means to speak in a loud angry way showing negative emotions.