A assertive - democratic A assertive - democratic A assertive - democratic
Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that is created in the brain and when it binds to the adenosine receptors, it slows down nerve activity and it creates a sensation of drowsiness.
<u>Caffeine</u> looks like adenosine to the receptors, therefore, when we have caffeine, <u>it binds to these receptors and there is no room left for the adenosine to bind</u>. However, the caffeine doesn't slow down nerve activity but, in the contrary, it speeds it up.
Therefore we can tell that caffeine blocks the receptors for the adenosine thus promoting wakefulness.
The answer is cerebellum. Organizing sensory input that guides movement is a function of the cerebellum. The cerebellum plays an important role in the motor control in the brain. It does not create movements, however, it contributes in terms of balance, timing and precision.
Get in an air conditioned building and get him water.
The man could have a heat stroke, and is probably experiencing some form of heat exaustion. Meaning they well need to cool off and rehydrate. If they are really in pain, tell them to go home and rest for awhile.
The muscles of the ventricles depolorize.