Solute = 5 mL; solution = 250 mL
The formula for percent by volume is

If you have 250 mL of a solution that is 2 % v/v,

If there is no change of volume on mixing,
Volume of solution = 250 mL
-Volume of solute = <u> </u><u>5</u><u> </u>
Volume of solvent = 245 mL
Mafic lava is low viscosity lava that creates quiet eruptions.
Your Welcome.
How about let's just forget about that other stuff and be friends?
And my internet connection isn't very good so I can't see the pictures.
9 grams of hydrogen gas (H2) will SC Johnson need to react in order to make 1 bottle of Windex.
Balance equation for the formation of ammonia from H2 gas.
N2 + 3H2 ⇒ 2 
mass of ammonia in 1 bottle of windex = 51 gram
atomic mass of ammonia 17.01 gram/mole
number of moles = 
number of moles = 
= 3 moles of ammonia is formed.
in 1 bottle of windex there are 3 moles of ammonia 0r 51 grams of ammonia.
From the equation it can be found that:
3 moles of hydrogen reacted to form 2 moles of ammonia
so, x moles of hydrogen will react to form 3 moles of ammonia.
x = 4.5 moles of hydrogen will be required.
to convert moles into gram formula used:
mass = atomic mass x number of moles (atomic mass of H2 is 2grams/mole)
= 2 x 4.5
= 9 grams of hydrogen.