a sphygmomanometer
It is painless, and consists of a gauge and a cuff. The cuff goes around the arm or leg, and then is inflated.
A. Increased AP diameter
In a normal adult male the anteroposterior (AP) diameter of his cervical canal has a mean value of 17-18 mm at vertebral levels C3-5. The lower cervical canal measures 12-14 mm. An adult male without spinal stenosis has a diameter of 16-17 mm in the upper and middle cervical levels.
Increased Anterior Posterior Diameter or Barrel chested appearance can result from air trapping and it sometimes occurs with advanced Or chronic COPD. Xray Scanning on the right also demonstrates the increased A-P diameter along with flattening of the diaphragms.
It is called Barrel chest the Increased A-P diameter of the chest wall is the shaped like a barrel, and it most often associated with emphysema.
This is what the Examining the thoracic will reveal in that patient.
I say D Bc I feel like that’s sum I will do