Answer: B. maritime trade networks
The Chola dynasty was one of the longest-reigning ones in the Indian subcontinent. They were originally from the Tamil area, around the Kaveri River. Their reign represented the height of Indian sea power.
The empire owes most of its success to their excellence in foreign trade and maritime activity. They played a major role in regional and overseas trade, and expanded their influence all the way to China and Southeast Asia. The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire and the Abbasid Caliphate at Baghdad were their main trading partners.
Sí es importante que las marcas sean protegidas, ya que una marca representa una forma de propiedad privada, es decir, una marca es algo que le pertenece a los dueños de la empresa, y como tal, dicha propiedad debe ser protegida.
Es por esto que existen protecciones legales de marca, y por lo cual los gobiernos luchan contra la piratería.
Además, si las marcas no se protegieran y se permitiera la falsificación de todos los productos, los emprendedores no tendrían incentivo para innovar y crear marcas nuevas, ya que los beneficios económicos que podrían obtener de dicha actividad se verían muy disminuidos.
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No, it definitely was not pure racism.
While individuals who have pure hatred and racist views against other groups of people have always existed, during the centuries that slavery existed, not everyone who owned slaves or supported slavery justified their position on the basis of racist arguments.
Very often, these arguments in favor of racism were made from an economic point of view. They justified slavery because slavery was fundamental for their economic well-being. Some people even justified slavery under supposedly moral, ethical, or religious reasons, arguing that slaves were better off under the control of their owners, or that some religious scripture justified slavery.
Homo erectus. an extinct species of the early human, they used to be known as "Pithecanthropus erectus", having upright posture and a well-evolved post-cranial skeleton, but with a small brain, lowered forehead, and protruding facial structure.