It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace
Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products.
GPS device details are given below.
Even a simple GPS unit has a wide range of settings and features. Because every unit’s operation varies, this article won’t provide step-by-step details. Read the owner's manual to familiarize yourself with it..
If you’d like additional help, you can also sign up for a GPS navigation class at an REI store.
Though steps vary, all GPS receivers do the following basic functions:
Display position: A GPS tells you where you are by displaying your coordinates; it also shows your position on its base map or topo map.
Record tracks: When tracking is turned on, a GPS automatically lays down digital bread crumbs, called “track points,” at regular intervals. You use those later to retrace your steps or to evaluate the path you traveled.
Navigate point-to-point: A GPS directs you by giving you the direction and distance to a location, or “waypoint.” You can pre-mark waypoints by entering their coordinates at home. In the field you can have the unit mark a waypoint at a place you'd like to return to, such as the trailhead or your campsite. A GPS unit provides the bearing and distance “as the crow flies” to a waypoint. Because trails don’t follow a straight line, the bearing changes as you hike. The distance to travel also changes (decreasing, unless you’re heading the wrong direction) as you approach your goal.
Display trip data: This odometer-like function tells you cumulative stats like how far you’ve come and how high you’ve climbed.
GPS and your computer: GPS units come with a powerful software program that lets you manage maps, plan routes, analyze trips and more. Invest the time to learn it and to practice using all of its capabilities.
The current will lag the voltage in AC circuit that contains both resistance and inductance.
Answer: C
There is no inductance only circuits in reality.
The circuits containing inductance has also a lower amount of resistance.
The current flows in both resistance and inductance.
There is a drop in the total voltage in resistance and inductance giving rise to the voltage applied in the coil when connected in a series.
An example being inductance coil an AC circuit connected to both resistance and inductance in series.
From the vector diagram, this conclusion can be drawn.
V=L(di/dt) where i is current, V=0.208
using expression iL(t)=5e-2t+3te-2t-2 and L=0.05H(50/1000)
since there is no power of e, I'll assume the power to be 1
at t=0.25