The answer has to be cut down on gas emissions. This can cut down emissions to the dead zone.
The number of kilo- grams of hydrogen that pass per hour through this sheet of palladium is 
x1 = 0 mm
x2 = 6 mm = 6 *
c1 = 2 kg/
c2 = 0.4 kg/
T = 600 °C
Area = 0.25 
D = 1.7 * 
First equation
J = - D
Second equation
J = 
To find the J (flux) use the First equation
J = - 1.7 *
To find M use the Second equation
M = 
A.C. Voltage (transformers only work with A.C.) from input (primary) to output (secondary) is purely a function of the turns ratio.
By running multiple regression with dummy variables
A dummy variable is a variable that takes on the value 1 or 0. Dummy variables are also called binary
variables. Multiple regression expresses a dependent, or response, variable as a linear
function of two or more independent variables. The slope is the change in the response variable. Therefore, we have to run a multiple regression analysis when the variables are measured in the same measurement.The number of dummy variables you will need to capture a categorical variable
will be one less than the number of categories. When there is no obvious order to the categories or when there are three or more categories and differences between them are not all assumed to be equal, such variables need to be coded as dummy variables for inclusion into a regression model.