This is false. Perception is extremely complex because it not only involves eyes and understanding what you see, but also things like prejudice or beliefs which affect how we perceive things.
turn into the closest lane in the direction you want to go
If you are talking about Napoleon Bonaparte then here:
the first mistake was the Continental System which killed more of his empire. (the Continental system was a blockade that stop the trade between Britain & Europe BTW)
the second mistake was the invasion of Russia. this one is common because the weather was cold and it was hard winter. The french were little uneducated in military.
the third one is the peninsular if i am correct. Napoleon took out the Spanish king and replaced him with his brother. the Spanish got mad and Spanish fought french which lead napoleon to take another look at Spanish.
hope i helped this is all from my head :D
La FOTOSINTESIS es el proceso mediante el cual los organismos con clorofila, como las plantas verdes, las algas y algunas bacterias, capturan energía en forma de luz y la transforman en energía química.
Una ecuación generalizada y equilibrada de la fotosíntesis sería:
El elemento H2O de la fórmula representa un compuesto oxidable, es decir, un compuesto del cual se pueden extraer electrones; CO2 es el dióxido de carbono; CHO una generalización de los hidratos de carbono que incorpora el organismo vivo.
La RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR: se lleva a cabo en una estructuras de las estructuras de la célula llamas mitocondrias.
La ecuación general de la respiración es la siguiente:
Durante este proceso se desdoble la molécula de glucosa y se separan los átomos de hidrógeno [protones y electrones] de los átomos de carbono para combinarse con los átomos de oxígeno. La energía liberada durante este proceso se utiliza para convertise el ADP (adenosindifosfato) en ATP (adenosintrifosfato).
A team is a group of people that work tighter to achieve a goal, task or objective.
Team work generates solution faster to a difficult problem than working solely. When a group of person work as a team different Idea can be worked upon, good decisions are made to achieve a Goal.
There is division of labor, certain people working on an aspect to generates result, all this can be brought together to proffer a lasting solution to a task or problem.
Team work saves time, what an individual will take 30minutes to do as a team it can be achieve in 10 minutes.
There it is true that 5 people working as a team will generates more solutions compare to an individual person.