law of effect
Thorndike referred to this as the law of effect. In simple terms, Thorndike explains that if a certain stimulus/behavior has a favorable consequence, the subject will want to repeat this behavior. If it continues to have a favorable consequence then the subject will continue to repeat this behavior until it becomes a continuous pattern. The opposite applies to behaviors that have unfavorable consequences, the subject in question will associate the unfavorable consequence with the behavior and cease performing the behavior. The worse the consequence, the faster the subject will stop the behavior.
The answer to this question is Sociobiologist
Sociobiologist Tend to search for correlation between social occurrence and biological occurrence and believe that human behaviors is a direct result of natural selection. This will make Ed tend to believe people's strategy to survive and lived on will determine what those people's do in their everyday life.
Southern states had slaves and Northern States was more about the industrial items. And even though northern states had less slaves they both had slaves. Richer soil in southern states allowed cropping which had to be farmed by slaves, weaker not good soil caused northern to use machines in others stuff so slaves where not need as much.
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