3.02 X1023 atoms Ag limol. - - 0.50 1 moles. 6.02241023 atoms.
The correct answer is option C, that is, it is reduced.
In reduction and oxidation reactions, reduction refers to the loss of an oxygen atom from a molecule or the gaining of one or more electrons. A reduction reaction is observed from the perspective of the molecule being reduced, as when one molecule gets reduced, another one gets oxidized. The complete reaction is called a redox reaction.
In the given case, iron gains electrons mean that it is reduced.
117 L. You can start by making a table to organize the information you are given. Then, you can use the formula PV/T=PV/T and plug in the numbers you have. You then solve for the missing volume. Remember that the initial pressure, temperature, and volume should be on one side of the equal sign, and the final pressure, volume, and temperature should be on the other side.
contains both covalent and ionic bonds.</h2>
A covalent bond is formed when an element shares its valence electron with another element. This bond is formed between two non metals.
An ionic bond is formed when an element completely transfers its valence electron to another element. The element which donates the electron is known as electropositive element or the metal and the element which accepts the electrons is known as electronegative element or non metal.
contain covalent bonds as they are made up of non metals only.
contain ionic bonds as they are made up of sodium metal and fluorine non metal.
contain covalent bonds as they are made up of non metals only.
contain ionic bonds between
and covalent between N and H in 
Learn more about ionic and covalent bonds
Every element in the boron group has three electrons in its outermost shell (so-called valence electrons), and for each element there is a sharp jump in the amount of energy required to remove the fourth electron, reflecting the fact that this electron must be removed from an inner shell.