Take some time apart. Even if you both know you want to maintain a friendship, a little space for some time won't hurt. ...
Respect each other's needs. ...
Maintain some physical and emotional distance. ...
Discuss how you'll handle encounters.
Biogas is a renewable, as well as a clean, source of energy. Biogas plants significantly curb the greenhouse effect: the plants lower methane emissions by capturing this harmful gas and using it as fuel. Biogas generation helps cut reliance on the use of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal.
Luisa finds and corrects an error in ___punctuation_______.
a) The paragraph omitted a comma punctuation mark after the word "campfire." When Luisa puts this comma after "campfire," the sentence becomes grammatically correct.
So the error that Luisa finds and corrects in the passage is the omission of comma punctuation. A comma punctuation mark gives a short break in a sentence. Full stop gives a long break.