Need not show any lights is true for a vessel of less than 20 meters in length at anchor at night in a "special anchorage area designated by the Secretary"
In the INTERNATIONAL— Lights and Shapes under RULE 30 named "Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground" there are several rules listed. For a vessel of fewer than 20 meters in distance, when at staff in a special anchorage zone assigned by the Secretary, shall not be expected to show the anchor lights and shapes needed by this Rule.
Suppose a vessel of fewer than 12 meters in the distance when grounded shall not be wanted to display the lights or shapes. When a vessel of fewer than 7 meters in length, when at staff, not in or near a restricted channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally travel, shall not be wanted to show the lights or shape.
some people don't like the sound of crunching
some people eat with their mouth open or some eat with their mouth shut but even with their mouth closed you can still hear them eating their food no matter what
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La clasificación de los factores productivos quedaría en las siguientes categorías.
Recursos materiales: sierras, martillos, una furgoneta.
Recursos Humanos: carpinteros, un gerente, un contador, un conductor.
Materias primas: hierro, madera.
Capital: $10.000.000.
Una empresa que se jacta de exitosa debe considerar muy bien sus recursos humanos, materiales, materias primas y capital. Estos elementos son las bases de una empresa que es cuidadosa e invierte inteligentemente sus recursos porque sabe que ante la incertidumbre del mercado, necesita contar con lo suficiente y estar prevenida para enfrentar las adversidades.
The awsner is the knights of labor
The lender — whether it's a bank, a store, or a car dealer — makes money by charging you an extra amount over and above the amount of the loan itself. The amount of the loan is called the principal, and the extra amount they charge you to borrow the money is called interest.