After the "Sepoy Rebellion, <span>the British government took over political control of India, since the British used this as an excuse to consolidate power for the sake of increased profits. </span>
She helped on the Lewis and Clark expedition
This is important because she was a woman and she was also Indian. She was know for being very strong and she also had a child which she only was in labor for 10 minutes. She also is known for helping nurse most/all of the men on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
The suspension of the Habeas corpus in this case is supported by the US constitution, through the common law. This suspension can be seen in article 1, section 9 and clause 2 of the constitution.
It is important to emphasize that Habeas corpus is the term that refers to the judicial measure that allows and protects the freedom of movement of any individual, even if that individual is threatened, or limited by something.
1.From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to “cleanse” German society of individuals viewed as biological threats to the nation’s “health.” Enlisting the help of physicians and medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists, the Nazis developed racial health policies that began with the mass sterilization of “genetically diseased” persons and ended with the near annihilation of European Jewry. With the patina of legitimacy provided by “racial” science experts, the Nazi regime carried out a program of approximately 400,000 forced sterilizations and over 275,000 euthanasia deaths that found its most radical manifestation in the death of millions of “racial” enemies in the Holocaust.
2.his campaign was based in part on ideas about public health and genetic “fitness” that had grown out of the inclination of many late nineteenth century scientists and intellectuals to apply the Darwinian concepts of evolution to the problems of human society. These ideas became known as eugenics and found a receptive audience in countries as varied as Brazil, France, Great Britain, and the United States. But in Germany, in the traumatic aftermath of World War I and the subsequent economic upheavals of the twenties, eugenic ideas found a more virulent expression when combined with the Nazi worldview that espoused both German racial superiority and militaristic ultranationalism.
3.The following bibliography was compiled to guide readers to selected materials on the history of Nazi racial science that are in the Library’s collection. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Annotations are provided to help the user determine the item’s focus, and call numbers for the Museum’s Library are given in parentheses following each citation. Those unable to visit might be able to find these works in a nearby public library or acquire them through interlibrary loan. Follow the “Find in a library near you” link in each citation and enter your zip code at the Open WorldCat search screen. The results of that search indicate all libraries in your area that own that particular title. Talk to your local librarian for assistance.
hope this helped
They had very little supplies and financial backing for the war.