Following are the program in C++ language :
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // using namespace
int main() // main method
int amount,total=0; // two int variable declaration
cout<<" enter amount:";
cin>>amount; // read input amount first time
total=total+amount; // first calculation
cout<<" enter amount:";
cin>>amount; //read input amount second time
total=total+amount;// second calculation
cout<<" enter amount:";
cin>>amount;// read input amount third time
total=total+amount;// third calculation
cout<<"total:"<<total; // display total
return 0;
enter amount:12
enter amount:12
enter amount:12
Following are the explanation of program which is mention above
- Declared the two variable total and amount of int type .
- Initialize the variable total to "0".
- Read the 3 input in "amount" variable in one by one by using cin function and adding their value to the "total "variable .
- Finally display the total.
1. siblings + 1
2. numberOfPizzas * pizzaCost
3. alienGreeting + alienGreeting2
4. color1 === color2
5. value1 - value2
6. console.log(gradeAverage === gradeAverage2)
7. numberToString + numberToString2
8. numberOfStudents / numberOfClassrooms
9. console.log(carSpeed === truckSpeed)
Just wanna let you know I could be wrong but I think 4 passes
Voice and fingerprint <u>biometrics</u> can significantly improve the security of physical devices and provide stronger authentication for remote access or cloud services.
<u>First test:</u> Give a list of disordered numbers to the sorting algorithm an examine if the output is correctly sorted.
<u>Second test:</u> Give a list of ordered numbers to the sorting algorithm an analyze if the output is still correctly ordered.
<u>Third test:</u> Give a list of ordered numbers and some non-numeric values to the sorting algorithm and check how is managed the exception in case of error or if the output is correctly ordered.