B. slows down is your answer, obviously as it approaches carrying capacity, there would be less available space to find in the place of inhabitance, so less and less population units would be able to find the place of inhabitance suitable for living, or can't find enough space to live in.
Variations in electronegativity prompt in the unequal halves of electrons in polar molecules because when one atom is more electronegative than the other, it becomes more polar than the other.
It results in the more electronegative atom to have a slightly negative (-ve) charges, and the other atom to have partial or slightly positive(+ve) charges.
Polar molecules have unequal sharing of electrons because the atoms have unequal attraction for electrons so the sharing is unequal.
The larger the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms, the more the polar the bond.
Hydrogen bonds are involved in unequal sharing of electrons between two atoms.
To know more about variations in electronegativity in polar molecules here :
1,000 mL is the same as 10 dL.
MgCl2 would be magnesium chloride.