Blood turns red when we start bleeding because the chemical composition of our blood changes when it reaches the air. This is known as oxidation, and no, it is probably not okay if your blood doesn't turn red once it reaches the outside of your body.
Prepare the recovery room
position the patient in bed
observe the patientpatient's
Contact the patients relatives to report complications (this one is dependent on patients permission and the policies of the organization you work for)
1. Stroke of thrombotic origin originates from the formation of clots, associated with the chronic process of atherosclerosis and platelet aggregation, which occlude the vessels and when the stroke originates from embolism, it is associated with the migration of a material called a embolus that can migrate from Another place in the body and generate, wander through the blood circulation and when it finds a vessel where its diameter no longer allows it to advance, it will generate occlusion and plug it, producing the clinic.
2. Atheroma is defined as the accumulation of fat plaques on the walls of the arteries, this process begins with increased permeability to lipoproteins which adhere to the intimate wall of the arteries, generating inflammation, later this process attracts the presence of macrophages that consume lipoproteins and increases the inflammatory response, becoming foam cells, when they burst, the association of fatty plaques and the inflammatory process generate a decrease in arterial light and progressively less circulatory volume, predisposing the tissue to heart attacks .
Check Explanation.
Okay, the question above wants to to discuss something related to cesarean section which may probably be about Wound closure strips or say a Steri-Strips. So, the question is; what is a cesarean section?.
A cesarean section is a kind of surgery used in baby delivery and it is different from the normal delivery of babies through the the woman sex organ. The cesarean section are of two primary types, that is they may be classic or transverse cesarean section.
From what I wrote in the first paragraph about Wound closure strips, if the client says something about leaving the Wound closure strips or Steri-Strips will be be able to hold her wound together then the client need more teachings because the Wound closure strips is not that strong for that kind of wound.
Values in culture are usually the things that they believe to be fair, just, and good
For example equality, independence, and optimism.