2. Some fractions could be different in denominator and numerator so you'll have to make all denominators the same in order to order them. It'll make it easier because the numerator will show which numbers are greater than the other. For example, 1/2 and 3/4, u could convert both to equivalent fractions. Make 1/2 into 2/4 and 3/4 stays the same, 3/4 is greater than 2/4 so it goes first.
3. 2/3, 7/12, 4/9, 1/2, 3/8, 5/24.
It's in this order because their equivalent fractions are,
27/72, 48/72, 36/72, 42/72, 36/72, 15/72.( that's the order they're in in the question)
I'd say A
Step-by-step explanation:
Reason: Because B and C are both having bands there and the cafeteria has the students popular opinion where there isn't band influence.
Step-by-step explanation:
Using the theorem which states that the measure of angle at the vertex is half the angle of its intercepted arc.
angle of its intercepted arc = 126 degree
angle at the vertex = x =<XYZ
According to the theorem;
x = 1/2(126)
x = 126/2
x = 63
Hence the measure of <XYZ is 63degrees
Step-by-step explanation:
Adding to the checkbook those debits and credits not already there brings its balance to ...
... $3045.58 +651.84 -37.60 = $3659.82
Adjusting the bank's balance by the deposits and checks not already there brings its balance to ...
... $4262.92 +220.05 -325.50 -497.65 = $3659.82
Thus, the reconciled accounts will agree on the balance $3659.82.