When dividing 22 into 121 , you are cosidering how many times 22 goes into 121. This is called division.
Now how do we use division to find this?
well we do 22 over 121 or 22/121
The next step is the conversion to decimal.
How do we figure this out? well we use multiplication through the remainder theorem. The way this works is we figure out how many times 121 goes into a quantity of another number so,
121 goes into 22 how many times. Well 0, thus by the reaminder theorem we will add a zero assuming that we put a decimal place so now we know the number is atleast .XX
Now we have 220, so how many times does 121 go into 220? Well 1. We can add that to our number .1XX and we subtract that from 220 and then add a zero.
220-121 is 99 plus add a zero so we now have 990. 121 goes into 990 how many times? 8 times so we know the number is .18
This process could be continued forever, but there is no need. I hope I explained this well. Explaining core concepts like this generally should be done in person with someone.
Step-by-step explanation:
3:5 is equivalent to 6:10 because you multiply both 3 and 5 by 2 and you get 6:10. every thing else is wrong
Based off of my calculations, I got 126
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula for area would be: A = L * W
So, when finding the width (W), you would need to divide the area (A) by the length (L).
Equation: W = A / L
Now you know the equation, all you need to do is plug in the numbers:
[84 divided by 2/3]
W = 84 / 2/3
After solving this, you would get: 126
So, W = 126.
To check if we got the correct answer, we could just multiply the length times the width:
126 * 2/3
Since this equation gives us 84 as the answer, 126 is the correct width.
Step-by-step explanation:
N is 3 bc #of terms minus 1
Exponents go from 3>2>x>none
Can be factored using binomial theorem
correct answer is 0.0000010075