Homozygous means having identical piars of genes for any given pair of heredity characteristics.
heterozygous means an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait.
The answer is prophase of meiosis I.
Meiosis is a reducing cell division during which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half in the daughter cells. It consists of meiosis I and meiosis II. Major gene reshuffling takes place during meiosis I. This exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes is known as the crossover. Homologous chromosomes are present only in the meiosis I. They pair up during prophase of meiosis I. When they are paired up during prophase I, it is obviously that gene reshuffling takes place during prophase I.
Answer: Option D
Phosphorus assists in energy metabolism.
It helps in the usage and storage of energy in the body. Also, whenever, phosphorus levels in the blood get too low energy levels tend to drop. This could lead to weakness in the muscles and fatigue
The DNA that contains your genes is stored in your cells in a structure called the nucleus.
The answer is; D
The angle at which the sun rays strike the earth at the equator is more or less 90 degrees while you move towards the poles, it much less than this. This means that the unit of sunlight per surface area received at the equator is higher than that at the poles. This is why the equator is always warmer than the poles.