When a solid turns to gas it is called sublimation, and when a gas turns into a liquid it is called deposition
<span>The process of splitting and Atom into two lighters atoms is called </span>
Answer: <span>The molecules of a substance which must have the
<u>bility to move past one another</u> are said to be flexible.
Explanation: Those substances are said to be flexible which can be
bent without breaking. There are many substances which are
hard in nature but still can be bent. The hardness of such materials is due to
strong interactions between the molecules and the flexibility comes due to their
amorphous backbone. Therefore, greater the
crystalline level of macromolecules lesser is the flexibility and greater the amorphous character greater is the flexibility and vice versa. Also, the flexibility of polymers is increased by adding
plastisizers in it. Plastisizers make the hard polymers flexible by breaking the crosslinkers and enabling the macromolecules to move past one another.
#19 due to weathering and erosion the rock from the stream was smoothened and without as much the rock from deep underground was/is very rugged and natural.
#18 Due to wind patterns the sand dunes are blew around and the sands shift and fly around with nothing to keep the sand in place the sand can go long distances or come long distances.