Watching TV
Disequilibrium principle can best explained as external forces to do something that you have no been able to do in a recent time.
Watching Television right now is her strongest reinforcer because she spent less hour watching TV. Angela has not been able to spend her usual maximum time to enjoy herself watching television.
b. and the equilibrium quantity of loan-able funds both would be higher.
- If in the past congress had taken additional actions to make savings more rewarding, then today it is likely that the equilibrium interest rate would be lower and the quantity of loan-able funds would be higher.
- Savings are affected by interest rate reward in that, when the interest rate are more rewarding, then, there shall be more customers ready to save their money and vice versa.
- The quantity of loan-able funds shall go higher out of the increased willingness to save.
because of better diets and the slow spread of infection, New Englanders had a longer life span and raised more children to adulthood than people living in England.