Personal Source
Dora called a friend. Someone who she trusts. She didn't seek information on her sunscreen bottles, the internet, the government, or anything else like that. She just called a friend who she judge to know what she needed to know. It is a person, who happens to be close to her, making <em>personal source </em>the only possible answer in this context.
Answer: B: Offenders engage in direct forms of violence.
Explanation: According to the Britanica Encyclopedia "White-collar crime, crime committed by persons who, often by virtue of their occupations, exploit social, economic, or technological power for personal or corporate gain". White collar crimes tends to refer to a crime committed by a bussinessman or bussinesswoman who are more likely to be middle aged or older usually by persons from the middle class and sometimes but not very often the lower class. Fraud, money laundering, stealing company funds and embezzlment are considered white collar crimes. It is often seen as less serious when compared to other crimes because it does not involve physical violence. Public order crimes are not associated to white collar crimes. Financal gain is the ulterior motive of white collar crimes.
White-collar crime have been associated with the educated and affluent ever since the term was first coined in 1949 by sociologist Edwin Sutherland, who defined it as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation", however, these crimes have ceased to be exclusive to such groups.
Problem and solution
First, he explains the problem, which in this case, is overflowing landfills. Then, he talks about how recycling can fix that problem, which is a solution.