The correct answers to these open questions are the following.
What have you learned about yourself?
That although I have many things to learn and improve in my life, I can develop new skills and abilities to enhance the quality of my life.
What stressors and or "hassles" do you recognize in your life?
I am not very patient. I want things so bad, right now, at my own pace. And now understand that is wrong. I stress a lot when I am not able to accomplish what I want.
What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well-being?
I need to understand that everything in life comes at the right time and the right place. There is a time for every season. You can force things that are not about to happen now. If you do, you get more stress in your daily life.
How will this enable you to become a more productive student?
I have to focus on the task at hand. One day at a time. One activity at a time. I have to start something and finish it. Not the opposite, to start something new when I am not capable to correctly finish what I started.
Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?
I am in the process of integration. Not yet there, but I think I am going in the right direction.
I would say camera it was invented by Ibn ul Haitham.
Both communism<span> and </span>socialism<span> are near opposites of capitalism, with no private ownership and class equality. ... The welfare programs like food stamps in the United States are also forms of </span>socialist<span> policies that fit into an otherwise capitalist societ</span>
- If they really want to go together, Pat and Mark could make a one-week trip to the beach, and spend the second-week hiking in the mountains. They could also choose to go on separate trips, so each can spent the entire vacation in their desired destination. Or they could go together to one of those places and agree to let the other person choose the destination in a future trip.
- Given that it´s Pat´s money, She should be able to decide, and Mark can enjoy the result of whatever she chooses. Pat could accept Mark´s choice by making sure he brings something to the table, like being in charge of organizing the vacation, and make it to a place Pat really would like to go. They could also split the money and make a small trip as well as buying either the computer or the printer, but not both.
- Pat could try to change her behavior and use the opportunity to ask Mark to change something she dislikes about him. Or, they could just accept that Pat is just not an organized person, find something Mark is not good at as well. Let´s say, ironing his own clothes. They could agree that each of them will take charge of what the other person won´t do.
- It´s difficult to find a win-win resolution to this case because workers have a legal right to assemble and fight for fair wages. Management could concede on a lower raise as long as they can offer some other perks, like providing food for their employers.
Personally, win-win strategies help me understand that when resolving conflicts one must consider the other side´s needs and be willing to compromise. I usually become a little stubborn when in such a situation, focusing on how I´m right and others should accept that. Trying to come with win-win solutions will probably help me get better results and keep relationships healthy.
The answer is unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response in which in classical conditioning if the sour taste of lemon juice spontaneously reasons the mouth to pucker the lemon juice is the unconditioned stimulus and the pucker of the lips and tongue is the unconditioned response. In addition, classical conditioning plays a significant role in which the progress of emotional responses such as anxiety or embarrassment.