Combustion is the burning of a substance. It could be complete or could be incomplete. It changes the form of carbon and so it plays it's role in cycle
An experiment is created by a scientist to determine how fertiliser affects sugar cane height. Two fields receive fertilization, but the remaining two do not. Fertilizer Application serves as the experiment's control group.
Fertilizer Application is typically limited to irrigated plantations and varies by region and even by farmer. Fertilizers will work best if used between 12 and 24 months before and after the peak growing season. One year after planting, farmers typically spray 50 kg of urea and 50-100 kg of DAP per acre. Since Casuarina manufactures its own nitrogen with the aid of the bacterium Frankia, it does not require a significant amount of nitrogen fertiliser. In order to prevent this, it is advised to apply 11 kg of urea and 94 kg of superphosphate at moderate level.
Learn more about Fertilizer Application here
The third example will be “cancer”
I don't know what is the answer
Specialized tissue on the wall between the atria. Electrical impulses pass from the pacemaker (SA node) through the _______ and the atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) toward the ventricles.atrium (pl. atria)One of two upper chambers of the heart.capillary<span>Smallest blood vessel. Materials pass to and from the bloodstream through the thin walls. They have walls that are only one endothelial cell in thickness. This delicate, microscopic vessel carries nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood from the arteries and arterioles to the body cells. There, the nutrients are burned in the presence of oxygen (catabolism) to release energy.
At the same time, waste products such as carbon dioxide and water pass out of the cells and into these blood vessels. Waste-filled blood then flows back to the heart in small venues, which combine to form larger vessels called veins.</span>carbon dioxideGas (waste) released by body cells, transported via veins to the heart, and then to the lungs for exhalation.coronary arteriesBlood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.deoxygenated bloodBlood that is oxygen-poor.diastole<span>Relaxation phase of the heartbeat.</span>