Explanation:According to vf=vi+at, we can calculate it since v0 equals to 0. vf=0+9.8m/s^2*4.33s= 42.434m/s
The speed of the ball moving is

what is momentum?
The momentum p of a classical object of mass m and velocity v is given by pclassical =mv.
For photons with wavelength λ,this equation does not hold.Instead, the momentum of the Photon is given by p Photon = h/λ
where,h is the planck's constant.
The momentum of the red Photon is

since,the Photon and the ping-pong ball have the same momentum,we have

Therefore, if the red photon and the ping-pong ball have the same momentum, the ping-pong ball must have a speed of approximately

learn more about momentum of photon from here:
Stellar black holes form when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself.