the last one, Underwater weighing
1. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication.
One study found that nonverbal communication accounted for 55 percent of how an audience perceived a presenter. That means that the majority of what you say is communicated not through words, but through physical cues.
To communicate clearly and confidently, adopt proper posture. Avoid slouching, folding your arms or making yourself appear smaller than you are. Instead, fill up the space you are given, maintain eye contact and (if appropriate) move around the space.
the answer is that HIV causes AIDS
1 because your hair will fall out eventually
2 50 to 100 strands a day
3 oil
Endorphins is a neurotransmitters works to inhibit body processes, affect our moods, and help us fall asleep. Correct answer: A
Endorphins are produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland in response to pain or stress, but they’re also released during other activities, like eating, exercise, or sex. Their function is to help us to continue functioning despite injury or stress.