What is 4 hours 45 mins after 4:25 a.m.?
Add 4 hrs first:
4:25 + 4 hrs = ?
5:25, 6:25, 7:25, 8:25
4:25 a.m + 4 hrs = 8:25
8:25 a.m + 45 mins = ?
8:25 + 45 = 9:00
8:25 a.m + 45 mins = 9:00 a.m
4 hrs and 45 mins after 4:25 a.m is 9:00 a.m.
X18 = X50 - X32. You must subtract them because you are taking CE out of AE
(270+150)/(2020-2000)= 21 - average rate of change in the height per year
the third option: x + 2(2x - 4) = 10
Step-by-step explanation:
the question tells you that y = 2x - 4.
so, instead of writing y in the equation, just replace it with 2x - 4.
x - 2y = 10
x - 2(2x-4) = 10
Well knowing these are both obtuse angles of the same shape and size we can begin. were looking to show AC is equal to DF we start by connecting A to C. A goes to C and makes this half an Oval shape along the bottom line now try connecting A to B and C to B AB and CB are not the same as AC and since these angles are the same shape and size we know DF should do the same so now we connect D to E and F to E similar to AC they do not match nor do they match AC itself leaving us to compare D to F after we do this we see that it creates the same sized half an oval as AC showing us that they are equal. :)