since -6 lasted for 5 seconds, multiplying both would result in -30
3 lasted for 10 seconds, so multiplying both would give +30
average = ( 30 + (-30) ) / 2
30 -30 is already equal to zero, so the answer should be 0
1 - Skull
2 - Mandible
3 - Scapula
4 - Sternum
5 - Ulna
6 - Radius
7 - Pelvis
8 - Femur
9 - Patella
10 - Tibia
11 - Fibula
12 - Metatarsals
13 - Clavicle
14 - Ribs (rib cage)
15 - Humerus
16 - Spinal column
17 - Carpals
18 - Metacarpals
19 - Phalanges
20 - Tarsals
21 - Phalanges
Answer: 0.790 g/cm3
The density of acetone is 790 Kg/m3.
To convert from Kg to g we multiply by 1000 (1 Kg = 1000 g)
To convert from m3 to cm3 we multiply by 10∧6
So, The density of acetone in (g/cm3) = (790 x 1000) / (10∧6) = 0.79 g/cm3
His total displacement from his original position is -1 m
We know that total displacement of an object from a position x to a position x', d = final position - initial position.
d = x' - x
If we assume the lad's initial position in front of her house is x = 0 m. The lad then moves towards the positive x-axis, 5 m. He then ends up at x' = 5 m. He then finally goes back 6 m.
Since displacement = final position - initial position, and his displacement is d' = -6 m (since he moves in the negative x - direction or moves back) from his initial position of x' = 5 m.
His final position, x" after moving back 6 m is gotten from
x" - x' = -6 m
x" = -6 + x'
x" = -6 + 5
x" = -1 m
Thus, his total displacement from his original position is
d = final position - initial position
d = x" - x
d = -1 m - 0 m
d = -1 m
So, his total displacement from his original position is -1 m
Learn more about displacement here: