The last option: over tens of millions of years, the giant supercontinent Pangaea began to slowly drift apart forming the continents
The analysis ToolPak is an add-in for Microsoft Excel program. The analysis ToolPak contains data analysis tools that can be used for financial, engineering and statistical data evaluation. The analysis Toolpak can be activated through the following sequence of steps;
File-->Options-->Add-ins -->Manage Excel Add-Ins --> Go.
D. Some cells can support life independently. Other cells support life collectively
Unicellular organisms are able to support their own life without the support of more than 1 cell. While some organisms needs multiple cells to function.
This scientific law is called as Law of conservation of energy.
Sun is the primary source of energy .Energy once produced by the sun is then utilized by the organisms at various tropic levels. The energy is transferred from one organism to another. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. This is called as law of conservation of energy. Plants uses sunlight and make food and the energy is then transferred to organisms eating it. When the organism dies the energy is released into the environment. This cycle continues and the the law of conservation of energy is maintained.