Sample output:
Enter the old balance: 1234.50
Enter the transactions now.
Enter an F for the transaction type when you are finished.
Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished): D
Amount: 568.34
Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished): W
Amount: 25.68
Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished): W
Amount: 167.40
Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished): F
Your ending balance is $1609.76
Program is ending
Code to copy:
// include the necessary header files.
// Definition of the function
float withdraw(float account_balance, float withdraw_amount)
// Calculate the balace amount.
float balance_amount = account_balance - withdraw_amount;
// Check whether the withdraw amount
// is greater than 0 or not.
if (withdraw_amount > 0 && balance_amount >= 0)
// Assign value.
account_balance = balance_amount;
// return account_balance
return account_balance;
// Definition of the function deposit.
float deposit(float account_balance, float deposit_amount)
// Check whether the deposit amount is greater than zero
if (deposit_amount > 0)
// Update account balance.
account_balance = account_balance + deposit_amount;
// return account balance.
return account_balance;
int main()
// Declare the variables.
float account_balance;
float deposit_amount;
float withdrawl_amount;
char input;
// display the statement on console.
// prompt the user to enter the old balance.
printf("Enter the old balance: ");
// Input balance
scanf("%f", &account_balance);
// Display the statement on console.
printf("Enter the transactions now.\n");
printf("Enter an F for the transaction type when you are finished.\n");
// Start the do while loop
// prompt the user to enter transaction type.
printf("Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished): ");
// Input type.
scanf(" %c", &input);
// Check if the input is D
if (input == 'D')
// Prompt the user to input amount.
printf("Amount: ");
// input amount.
scanf("%f", &deposit_amount);
// Call to the function.
// Check if the input is W
if (input == 'W')
printf("Amount: ");
scanf("%f", &withdrawl_amount);
// Call to the function.
account_balance = withdraw(account_balance,withdrawl_amount);
// Check if the input is F
if (input == 'F')
// Dispplay the amount.
printf("Your ending balance is $%.2f\n", account_balance);
printf("Program is ending\n");
// End the while loop
} while(input != 'F');
return 0;
the picture uploaded below shows the program screenshot.
cheers, i hope this helps.