There is no elephant with one hand
Sociology is the social science of someone's social behaviour and social life.
Islamic armies faced major resistance from cities in the Persian Empire. Islam first developed in Europe and then spread inland through Africa. Islam had its origins in Constantinople before spreading to Arabia.
Answer: Extraordinary
The headline"man bites dog" is an abbreviated account of the phrase:
"When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news", attributed to both Alfred Harmsworth (1865–1922) and Charles Anderson Dana (1819–1897).
It refers to the way unusual events, like a man biting a dog, are more newsworthy than ordinary ones, with comparable results, like a man bitten by a dog.
It is true. In the 1950s, television shows typically were actually interrupted by advertisements by about 10 different companies.