Last week, it was announced that four new elements would be added to the periodic table, a collaboration from researchers in Russia, Japan and the U.S. Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118, which will complete the seventh row, are superheavy elements, that have an atomic number greater than 104.
300 mM
In order to solve this problem we need to calculate the line of best fit for those experimental values. The absorbance values go in the Y-axis while the concentration goes in the X-axis. We can calculate the linear fit using Microsoft Excel using the LINEST function (alternatively you can write the Y data in one column and X data in another one, then use that data to create a dispersion graph and finally add the line of best fit and its formula).
The <u>formula for the line of best fit for this set of data is</u>:
So now we <u>calculate the value of </u><u><em>x</em></u><u> when </u><u><em>y</em></u><u> is 1.50</u>:
2850 grams I hope this help
19) it's not balanced because when adding h2 and o2 u get h2o2 not h2o
20) I'm not sure