Melting point
Pure substances have sharp melting and boiling points while impurities lower the melting point and raise the boiling point
Take the 72 g and divid it by 6 which would equal 12 g each
Refer to your periodic table. Lewis dot structures are based off the number of valence electrons an atom has.
Looking at the compounds, we can see that Gallium has three valence electrons in its outer shell and oxygen has six. Oxygen and Gallium are going to share electrons with one another, making a V shape in their diagram.
One Oxygen would make a double bond with a Gallium, leaving one valence electron to another oxygen. That oxygen takes that Final electron. It now has 7 in its outer shell. The remaining Gallium and Oxygen do the same double bond as the one before, leaving the 7 valence electron oxygen with one more electron.
Magma can push through holes or cracks in the crust of the volcano, causing a volcanic eruption. Which is when magma flows or erupts onto earth's surface, which is what you call lava (whenever it goes onto the earths surface).
Answer: When the electrons in an element are more than the required, a bond is formed with other element which has deficiency of electron and in case when electrons are less in numbers the vice versa happens. Such kind of chemical bonds are known as ionic bond.