Yes, the errors are likely to be relevant
A systematic error occurs as a result of the instrument used in carrying out and experiment. These errors are a result of small fluctuations in the measurement properties of the instrument. This happens when the instrument departs from non-ideal situations, for example as a result of physical expansion or change in temperature. For instance, let the resistance be measured to be up to 10 Ω ± 1 Ω
The error of the resistance, ε = 0.01Ω
Different forces (including magnetism, gravity, and friction) can affect motion
D. the wind picking up dust and carrying it
Erosion is a process in which an agent transfer the top soil to another region, thereby exposing the lower soil. These agents have the ability to move the top layer of soil and deposit it at another place. The major agents in this case are; a running or flowing body of water and wind.
Therefore, the change to the Earth's surface that is an example of erosion is the wind picking up dust and carrying it. Thereby exposing the lower layers.
the axis acts against and it would be a contact force