They all belong to the p block in the periodic table
Let us examine the electronic configuration of each element;
Oxygen - [He] 2s2 2p4
Silicon - [Ne] 3s2 3p2
Selenium - [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p4
A common thread that joins all the elements listed above is that they all belong to the p-block in the periodic table. They could be collectively referred to as p-block elements.
Case 1 (energy level): In an atom, an electron jumps from energy level 1 to energy level 3. ... The energy will increase.
Dalton Found out there was a small, hard indestructible sphere that is the smalles part of an element.He created his own Atomic Theory:
-All Matter is made up of small particles called atoms.
-Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or divided into smaller particles.
-All atoms of the same element are identical in mass and size. The atoms of one element are different in mass and size from the atoms of other elements.
<span>-Compounds are created when atoms of different elements link together in definite proportions.
</span><span>Rutherford had found the positively charged nucleus in the middle of every atom using his Gold Foil Experiment. While doing this experiment, he expected these particles to just pass right through the foil but they bounced right back. He also proposed there were negatively charged electrons revolving around the nucleus.
</span><span>Thompson found negative electrons and inferred atoms also contain negative particles. He inferred there was a lump of positively charged material, with negative electrons throughout. He used the Raisins Bun Model to explain.
</span>Chadwick <span>proved that it consisted of a neutral particle with about the same mass as a proton "Neutron" is the name given to the particle</span>
Bohr believed Rutherford's prediction was correct, but it wasn't complete. Bohr proposed electrons could only move between energy levels, rather then being able to move everywhere.
The correct option is: CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O.
In writing chemical equations, the reactants are usually written to the left of the equation of the reaction while the products are written to the right of the reaction. An arrow pointing in the right direction shows the direction of the reaction. In the question given above, methane and oxygen are the reactants while carbon dioxide and water are the products. The options that states the chemical reaction correctly is option 1.
Oxygen is not released into the atmosphere
-The marine sediments are formed into rocks by Earth's geologic processes