What's the problem ? Hardness is not the definition of a metal.
You need to expand your thinking. EVERY element is solid, liquid, and gas, over different ranges of temperature ... including all of the metals. There are only TWO elements that are liquid AT ROOM TEMPERATURE, and mercury is one of them. But on a mild day at the south pole, mercury is solid too.
2PbO(s) + O₂(g) ⇄ 2PbO₂(s)
Then Δngas = -1
What is Δngas?</h3>
The number of moles of gas that move from the reactant side to the product side is denoted by the symbol ∆n or delta n in this equation.
Once more, n represents the growth in the number of gaseous molecules the equilibrium equation can represent. When there are exactly the same number of gaseous molecules in the system, n = 0, Kp = Kc, and both equilibrium constants are dimensionless.
Definition of equilibrium</h3>
When a chemical reaction does not completely transform all reactants into products, equilibrium occurs. Many chemical processes eventually reach a state of balance or dynamic equilibrium where both reactants and products are present.
Learn more about Equilibrium
NO nitrogen monoxide
N2O dinitrogen monoxide
S2Cl2 disulfur dichloride