The first thing you do before performing anything in the laboratory is to read the procedure and prepare the materials needed. Next, if you already have the solution where you are supposed to take your 20 mL sample, then have it near you. Then, prepare a volumetric flask (750 mL) and a 20-mL pipette. Wash the pipette 3 times with the sample solution. If your diluent is water, wash the flask 3 times with water. Now, get 20 mL of sample from your parent solution, then add it to the flask (previously washed with water). Finally, add water until the mark in the flask and make sure that the water added is up to the mark based on the lower meniscus reading to be accurate in the amount inside the flask. <span />
Understanding chemistry and its principles enables us to predict and understand various properties of substances. For example, because we know that ionic bonds are very strong and difficult to break, we know that any substance that has these bonds will have a high melting point, because melting is a process that requires the intermolecular bonds present in the solid state to be broken. This can be applied to table salt, sodium chloride, which has an ionic structure and a melting point of almost 800 degrees Celsius. Similarly, many other properties and characteristics may be predicted using concepts of chemistry.
Well, with asexual reproduction you are actually making a genetic copy or the original organism, almost like a clone -- their is no genetic difference between the org organism and its "offspring."
With sexual reproduction the goal is to is to create 4 sex cell either sperm or egg cells. When cells split in sexual reproduction it enables for the off spring to have a great range of genetic diversity. The offspring will be a completly unique not like the mother or father but sharing traits for both. The main benefit of sexual reproduction is genetic diversity.