Explanation below
Separation of powers is very important and crucial in federal type of government. This is helpful because it decentralized the power, and prevent one arm of government from being a dominating force.
It will help the government to provide the necessary and needed infrastructure for the citizens. This is because the conclusion will be reached with approval of all the arms of government.
The animals adapt to survive.
If a giraffe can't reach the food that another one can, that giraffe will die and the longer necked one wll survive. Adaptations over time cause evolution. The fittest will survive. (Darwinism)
Productivity is refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. The difference between net and gross productivity is that gross productivity is is the overall rate of energy capture while net productivity is is lower, adjusted for energy used by organisms in respiration/metabolism.
Mutations are like genetic mutations. Say a bird species may usually have a orange beak but one bird was born with blue, that’s a mutation.
Adaptations are things you adapt to like plant species have adapted over the year to receive less and less water to live.
Natural selection is basically ‘killing off’ the weaker ones. Say a bird species has broad wings but mutations happened over time leading them to have small wings that do not allow flight, they may eventually all die off due to that. Extinction is if al those birds were to die off from that mutation.