A cold front forms when a cold air mass pushes into a warmer air mass. Cold fronts can produce dramatic changes in the weather. ... As the cold front passes, winds become gusty. There is a sudden drop in temperature, and also heavy rain, sometimes with hail, thunder, and lightning.
The molecular formula will be a multiple of the empirical CH2O. One unit of CH2O has a mass of 12+2*1+16 = 30 g. This means that if our compound has a molecular mass of 180 g/mol, we can divide 180 / 30 = 6 units, and our compound has 6 units of CH2O. This means that its molecular formula is C6H12O6.
A good example is the mineral<span> plagioclase. Plagioclase is a member of the feldspar group, but </span>there<span> is more than one type of plagioclase.</span>
<span>The movement of particles within a solid is extremely slow when compared to that of a gas. It is also significantly slower in movement than that of the movement found within the particles of liquid. The more movement present and the faster the movement of the particles the more space will be present between each particle. This causes the material to spread out as they become less densely packed within a solid material.</span>
The half-life in years of Neptunium-237 which was the first isotope is 2.1
Neptunium is most stable and Neptunium-237 is undergoes alpha decay, it means Neptunium-237 is decays by the emission of alpha particles . Seven alpha particles is emitted during decay of Neptunium-237. Neptunium-237 is radioactive actinide elements and first transuranium element.
The transuranium synthesis process involves creating a transuranium element through the transmutation process . The transmutation process is the process of creating heavy elements from light elements. Hence the process is the transmutation of light elements. There are two types: artificial and natural transmutation.
to learn more about transuranium element.